Sunday, June 26, 2011


A recent article in the Free Lance-Star (Sunday June 26th, 2011) unveiled the amazing power of celery. Since we like to show you the amazing power of REAL food in your diet, we felt like this article was right up our ally.  Please take a moment to enjoy these fun facts about celery.  The article, by Sam McManis, is reproduced below...

Free Lance-Star June 26th, 2011
By Sam McManis

Celery has been a favorite of the health-conscious as far back as Hippocrates, who called it a "nerve soother." Take a deep breath and try our quiz about his bland but powerful vegetable.

1. University of Missouri researchers found that apigenin, a compound in celery, can slow the growth of which condition in lab rats?
A) Breast Cancer
B) Liver Cancer
C) Throat Cancer

2. What was one of the medicinal uses ancient Romans had for celery? 
A) Cured fever
B) Heightened sex drive
C) Reduced gout swelling

3. Researchers also have found that celery contains androsterone which can have what effect?
A) Decrease the sense of taste and smell in men
B) Lowers testosterone levels in men
C) Release a pheromone in men that attracts women

4. How many calories are in a single stalk of celery?
A) 10
B) 6
C) 1

5. Celery stalks were believed to be used as garnish in the grave of which historical figure?
A) Marilyn Monroe
B) King Tut
C) Benito Mussolini

6. How many celery seeds does it take to produce an acre of celery?
A) 1 ounce
B) 1 pound
C) 10 pounds

Answers: 1:A  2:B  3:C  4:A  5:B  6:A
Sources: Tufs Health and Nutrition Letter:

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